Nov 182012

If you know me at all, you know I’m a planner.  A list maker.  When faced with a task or an event, I break it down, write it down and attack it in baby steps.  I totally buy into the philosophy that “For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.”  (This may or may not be a Ben Franklin quote, if you believe the Internet.)

When faced with my upcoming trip to London, I earned more hours than I will be ‘across the pond’.


First stop: Google.  What the heck did we do before Google?  I googled everything London.  Best places to visit…..  Maps of…..  Films about….. Books about….   I created an Excel file to keep track of my finds and I bookmarked more websites than there are Doctor Who episodes.


Next stop: Library.  Well, actually, the Library website, one of my personal favorites.  With a  library card you can look up books online, request a copy of the book and they will send it to any library of your choice in our city library system.  You can then walk in, find your books labeled with your name on a shelf right inside the front door, and sprint to the self-checkout kiosk before you are sucked into the void.  This works extremely well when I don’t have hours to spend savoring all the stacks have to offer.

london books Smaller

I pulled out books on places to visit as well as a few works of fiction set in London.  Whether I visit all the places I’ve read about or not, I’ve already wandered down those streets in my mind: Bliss.


As the trip approaches, I am busy fleshing out my Excel chart and adding bookmarked sites to my Google Map.   I am bouncing from book to book, cross-referencing and researching each area.   I’ve downloaded podcasts with travel tips and audio walking tours of some key attractions.  I’ve now consolidated my to-do list down to 4 items: plan for London, read about London, blog about London and rest up for London.

I’ve crossed off the first three, so all that’s left is to bid you goodnight.

 Posted by at 19:59
Nov 172012

In just 48 hours, I will be boarding a plane for London.  I am part of a choir that will be singing at the American Embassy Thanksgiving Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral.  It’s a plan that’s been in the works for nearly a year, but it still feels unreal.  

The Thames, the Tower of London, the Tube, Big Ben.  These are all just words without substance.

There’s been so much talking, planning, rehearsing and fundraising that the actual trip seems like an afterthought.  At least that’s what it feels like now.  

I’m sure it won’t once I land at Heathrow.  

I’m sure it won’t once I’m on the plane.  

I’m sure it won’t once my suitcase is packed.

Sometime in the next 2 days, London will become a reality.  I can’t wait!

 Posted by at 21:22
Jun 012012

As we get to the end of the school year, teachers get tired.  We do.  

The kids think they know it all.  Everything is predictable and “boring”.  The kids get excited because they can sense the end is near and the teachers are drained.

It’s a perfect time to “Change One Thing.”

Sometimes that’s all it takes to right the ship.

Add water to the sandbox.  Add glitter to the playdough.  Stick googly eyes on the easel painting paper.  Swap scrapbooking scissors for the regular ones.  Have circle time in the middle of the basketball court.  

They’re all simple ideas, but each bring their own brand of magic to the classroom.  

Sad EggHappy Egg

Now here’s the real trick: it works at home too!

Do homework outside.  Picnic in the living room.  Mop the kitchen floor with your feet in old socks.  Set the table with the good dishes.  Add bubbles to the bathtub.  Sleep backwards in your bed.  Buy fresh flowers for yourself.  

What one thing could you change today to shake things up




 Posted by at 20:18
Apr 282012

I took a small, unscheduled driving tour of downtown this week on my way to jury duty.  I was pretty sure I knew how to get where I was going.

I didn’t. 

Of course, Maggie, my faithful GPS unit, was in the other car and I don’t have a smart phone.  Luckily, I do have a smart husband who is better than any On-Star system. I had left home with my spirit of adventure, so even the temporary detour was interesting rather than infuriating. 

I strolled into the jury room at 9:30 a.m. having earned this luxury by watching the jury orientation videos online at home.  And then I waited….for hours.  Obviously, I knew this might happen and so I brought my laptop and kept up with work as much as I could. 

Long story short: eventually, I was released for a TWO HOUR lunch break. 

Let the wandering begin! 

My first thought was to head over to the MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) since jurors get in free, but I wasn’t sure exactly where it was.  My spirit of adventure had convinced me I could survive on wits alone.  The phrase “We don’t need no stinkin’ map!” kept running through my head, so off I went. 

I soon came upon a collection of strange black lumps outside a newish looking building.  “The MOCA?”  I thought. The smooth black sculptures invited me to run my hand over their curves.  (Which I did not for reasons I may someday explore with a therapist.) 

This is my favorite of the collection:

Favorite Black Lump MED

The building was not the MOCA, but LAPD headquarters.  I’m still thinking about whether that changes how I view the sculptures.  They are the work of Peter Shelton who does, in fact, have work installed at the MOCA. You can read about Police Chief Bratton’s reaction in 2009 when the work was installed here. 

Since I did want to find some food on my lunch break, I pressed on.  I passed City Hall park (under construction), the surprisingly striking CalTrans building, and never found the MOCA. 

I did, however, stumbled upon that rarest of establishments: STARBUCKS! 

Now before you start thinking my spirit of adventure is a corporate shill, let me explain.  This Starbucks had quite a few features to recommend it:

  1. Free wifi
  2. Caffeine
  3. Plenty of outdoor seating in the sun
  4. Live Music 

The live music was the clincher for me.  A mournful trumpeter had set up on the corner opposite the Starbucks and was serenading the whole block with something resembling Johnny Mathis’ “Chances Are”.  You could feel his heart coming through each phrase.  Remarkable! 

As my lunch break came to an end, I reoriented myself and trekked back to the windowless corridors of the courthouse to await my next adventure satisfied for today and determined to wander again. 


* NOTE: Here is a more professional picture of my favorite black lump.

P.S. I also found out the MOCA was closed that day.


 Posted by at 09:11
Apr 242012

I NEVER bargain with God, but, this time, I did.

“Lord, please get me out of jury duty and I’ll….I’ll….”  

I’ll what?  What would be a fitting wager?  
“I’ll make the most of the time You give me?”
“I won’t waste time on Facebook?  
Or how about the safe, fall-back “I’ll give you all the glory”?

Apparently, whatever I came up with wasn’t good enough to cover the whole week.  After being spared on Monday and Tuesday, I’m required to report to the downtown courthouse on Wednesday morning.  

And I was worried I wouldn’t have anything to blog about!

Sending me downtown can be dangerous – I people watch, I explore, I may even have a teachable moment.

Stay Tuned!

 Posted by at 20:39